

Most Aged Father in the World

Ramjith Ragav 94 years old from Haryana,  India. 

( Click on the First Pic to watch Video )

Mr. Raghav, who was wrestler in his youth, is confident that he will be around to see his title boy to grow up, Saying " I will only die if a black snake bites me and that is very unlikely.

If it is true, Mr Raghav will beat current record holder Nanu Ram Jogi, an Indian farmer who fathered his 21st child at the age of 90 in 2007.

 My daily diet comprises Three litres of Milk, a half kilo of Almonds and half kilo of Ghee 

Raghave and Wife Sakunthala Devi hope to have another baby

Mr. Raghav actually claims to be more than 100 years old, but pension records give his age JUST 94

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